A centrist commenting on politics in Canada's middle province from the "Centre of the Universe"

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Manitoba Budget 2012: A hair affair?

The budget: a trim and highlights to cover up hair loss?

I was trying to think of the proper analogy to describe my reaction to the 2012 budget. The best thing (or funniest) that came to mind was that of a bad haircut; a haircut for man who is fighting a receding hairline and is having difficulty accepting it. 

Think of a haircut composed of highlights, a trim and styled with spikes even though the hair on top of the head is way too thin and is practically see through…That kind of bad... 

The highlights are the distracting goodies that try to scream of coolness, rejuvenation and 'being with the times'. This is what the announced extension to Sunday shopping hours was, an attempt to take attention away and pose itself as an innovative, "moving Manitoba forward" budget.

The trim and spikes, are the merger of MLCC and Lotteries and Regional Health Authorities.  In addition, just as a superficial trim and style change doesn't change or address the problem, the administrative efficiencies brought by these mergers will bring along only superficial savings and do nothing to address the problem.

Finally, the gas tax and various fee increases are the equivalent of spraying Rogaine. Just as this magical spray claims it will make up the difference in loss hair instantly, these small increases do nothing to get at the root of the problem (pun intended).

While the new haircut might help the person in question feel better about themselves and stay in denial, everyone else around can see the sad reality the man is trying to hide. In reality, Mr. Struthers and the NDP should come to accept their receding hairline and either go bald or try some of the new hair transplant ads I keep seeing in browser…